New Rules of Grooming

Waxing not required. Just snag those in-the-middle strays with tweezers, then brush each eyebrow upward, and snip away stragglers using small scissors. Add a bit of eye contour to define those newly groomed brows.
2. NO MORE WILD HAIRS. They can sprout up anywhere—around your ears, between your brow and hairline, the awkward spot on your neck. Keeping them all in check the surefire sign of a guy who knows what he’s doing.
3. GO AHEAD, GROW A BEARD. But beware: The line between dapper and deranged can disappear quickly, so treat those whiskers like the hair on your head. Translation: If you’re rocking facial hair, make sure it’s clean, trimmed and under control.
4. STEP UP THE SKINCARE. There’s nothing “rugged” about a craggy mug. And there’s nothing wrong with branching out into the world of light, unfussy products. Smoother, softer, firmer skin makes you look younger. Full stop.
5. GET ORGANIZED. Like oil changes and gutter cleaning, personal grooming is simply a matter of routine maintenance. Start thinking about your toiletry bag like a toolbox. Invest in one that’s durable, understated and easy to clean.