Masks Off!

Men’s grooming is ready to go the distance — and get back in the game. Masks are off, and grooming routines that may have been neglected during the past pandemic years are ready to step back up to the plate. (Couldn’t hide that neglected cleansing ritual forever, could we?)
From stepping up your dental care, to refreshing your skin care routine, we’ve rounded up the tools to make you proud to smile and show the world your face again.
Whether you’ve been hiding a mustache, beard or clean-shaven face (dimples and all) under that cloth rectangle for the past two years or not, according to the Euro-monitor International, men’s grooming is on the rise with 2.2% expected growth predicted for 2022.
Skincare is, of course, the core market category, and some brands are re-thinking packaging to make products more male-friendly; many beauty experts call the market “underserved” for men looking to influence the men’s grooming scene. According to Vogue Business: “Across the board globally, especially with COVID-19, we do see much more interest in skincare and wanting to get more education and information,” as shared by Bo Kim, analyst at Gartner, a research and consulting firm.
And since we’re so excited for the renaissance of interest in men’s grooming, we’ve expanded our offerings beyond the usual gamut of appearance-refining goodies.